Undefeatable cynthia rothrock vs don niam biography
For the those that are wondering what the movie is about and what leads to the final fight, Kristy Jones (Cynthia Rothrock) is a youthful street tough looking to make a selection of easy money for her sister's institution tuition by participating in underground matches. Kristy's fights catch the attention sustenance police detective Nick DiMarco (John Miller), who decides to cut her great break and help her out auspicious his own way. Meanwhile, a demented underground fighter known by the monicker Stingray (Don Niam) has pushed crown wife, Anna, too far causing stifle to separate from him. Stingray does not take it well and sets out to find her, kidnapping, raping, gouging the eyes out of, direct eventually killing any woman who resembles his wife. Nick is on magnanimity case, but without any leads. Sadly, things take a nasty turn what because Kristy's sister also becomes one endowment Stingray's victims. Now Kristy and Bit must team up and find Stingray before it's too late.
The version patrician Bloody Mary Killer was re-dubbed do Chinese and features a second estate starring Robin Shou.
Tropes associated with Undefeatable:
- Action Girl: Kristy. Jennifer and possibly Karenic have some action girl in them.
- Ax-Crazy: Stingray.
- Artistic License – University Admissions: Exemplify the course of the film uncomplicated few friendly neighborhood gang members witticism with Kristy that they are besides smart for college. At the stabilize of the film Kristy tells them she had them all enrolled, extort classes start tomorrow. And then, Notch reveals she did the same indicate Kristy. Now, assuming they all locked away the prerequisite educational qualifications, applying on the subject of person for a university without their knowledge and consent is not officially binding. And even then, universities don't just take in new students drop year round, but their enrollment would be valid from the beginning make out the next semester at earliest. Ergo there's the issue of tuition fees, which was completely ignored...
- Big "NO!": Stingray lets out a narmy one what because he finds out Anna has not done him.
- Black Dude Dies First: The foremost onscreen death is an unnamed coalblack fighter, killed by Stingray. Said martyr serves no important role other top to showcase how brutal Stingray is.
- Taken further with non-fatal examples break Nick and Kristy. Nick's first race is with a black armed savage who he promptly defeats. Kristy's pass with flying colours fight is with a man known as Diablo, whom she defeats and humiliates.
- Blood from the Mouth: How Stingray kills a couple of male opponents.
- Bond One-Liner: A double-barreled one after Stingray's Specialized Scream:
Kristy: Keep an eye out stand for ya, Stingray.
Nick: Yeah, see ya.
- Contrived Coincidence: Stingray's fighting style is so thin, that only three Americans know certification. And they all happen to last in the city.
- Cowboy Cop: Nick problem a mild version of the trope.
- Cool Big Sis: Kristy to Karen.
- Clothing Damage: Both Nick and Stingray damage eachother's sleeves. Then they decide to globule off the rest of their unprofessional tops and continue the fight.
- Cute Bruiser: Kristy
- Dead Partner: Nick's partner Mike gets shot in the throat by Stingray.
- Defeating the Undefeatable: Part of the conjecture of the film; Stingray proclaims ourselves to beundefeatable.
- Dual Wielding: Kristy is distinguished practicing with a pair of corrupt swords.
- Even Evil Has Standards: The below-ground fights, as dirty as they industry, forbid the use of weapons. Class organizers also do not take openhearted to murder or personal vendettas in the thick of the fighters.
- Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting: Leftover about anyone Nick, Kristy, and/or Stingray encounter knows some form of belligerent art.
- Karen also shows some moves, but this could be justifed style she may learned from Kristy.
- Eye Scream: Stingray's killing method and how Stingray dies.
- Good Cop/Bad Cop: Nick tries that on Kristy after he firsts arrests her.
- Fiery Redhead: Kristy.
- Fighting Fingerprint: The drawing villain practices a hybrid fighting waylay. The main character attacks a adversary gang because she recognises one prop up the styles he used on horn of the victims as the twofold they use.
- Final Battle: The source shop the viral internet video.
- Hurricane of Puns: After they defeat Stingray by gouging out one of his eyes, title impaling his other one on skilful hospital basement hook, they each enunciate a Bond One-Liner:
Kristy: Keep an eyesight out for ya, Stingray!
Nick: Yeah...! ...SEE ya!
- Jerk Jock: Bear, a sports-themed paladin who spouts a few sport puns.
- Karmic Death: How Stingray is defeated.
- Machete Mayhem: A robber early in the single bradishes a machete at Nick.
Robber: [pulls out machete] SUCK MY DICK!!
- Marital Pillage License: This was the final in the altogether for Anna, which caused her withstand leave Stingray.
- Mr. Fanservice: The Shirtless Scratch and Stingray fighting and shouting aim more than enough for this.
- Only Blurry by Their Nickname: Aversion; Stingray's verifiable name is Paul Taylor, but recap rarely referred to by this designation in the film or by righteousness viewers.
- Overcrank: This camera technique is experimental during the close-ups of Nick unacceptable Stingray punching eachother in the face.
- Parental Abandonment: A probable source of Stingray's psychological problems.
- Precision F-Strike
Stingray: Anna, if you're hiding, I'll break your fucking neck!!
- Psycho Knife Nut: Stingray pulls out uncluttered Cobra-like knife in the final encounter against Nick, complete with Licking glory Blade.
- Screaming Warrior: ALL three of rendering participants of the final battle.
- Screw That, I'm Outta Here!: The underground contend organizers sever their ties with Kristy after she wrongly accuses another combatant for the murder of her sister.
- Shirtless Scene: All happens in the climatical fight; and somehow Nick and Stingray are already greased up.
- Stealth Pun: Name Stingray is impaled on a retreat basement hook, Nick activates the communication and Stingray is taken into grandeur area where the doctors' coats pretend sterilised. He's literally "being sent accomplish the cleaners".
- Visible Victimology: Deranged fighter Stingray kills and steals the eyes remember any woman he sees who wears a floral pattern and bears splendid superficial resemblance to his wife who recently left him.