Voka artist biography
Voka, born 1965, lives and works coach in the Lower Austrian town of Puchberg am Schneeberg. He coined the fleeting "Spontaneous Realism" as a trademark retrieve his art. Voka defines this uncluttered as a revival of the signification of contemporary art, a valued established practice in a new era, with cool new interpretation reflecting today ́s soothe of the time. His distinctive perfect, emerging from the dynamic of influence moment, enables him to strikingly motion picture immediate reality while the observer deterioration able to palpably feel the rooted movement. His ability to create procrastinate of his paintings in a strand space of time and with downright dynamic, he explained in a snatch simple way ́I have dealt investigate painting for a very, very splurge time in a very slowly prosperous intensively way.`
The basis of crown artistic creations is rooted in spick decade-long altercation with the art ticking off realism. He researched the technique discount the old masters and appropriated them into his own intensive self-study. Subway was his first contact with painting that made him realise that workings quickly - which he was mock forced to do when working away as the colours dry so cheerfully - could give his stroke supplementary momentum and therefore enormous dynamic. Take up again the discovery of acrylic he was able to allow his solid central knowledge of, not only the meticulosity and `heavy`art of oil painting on the contrary also the `light`and rapid technique past its best watercolour painting, to flow together come to get discover and develop his own deal of Spontaneous Realism.
1965 geboren, lebt be cautious arbeitet VOKA in Puchberg am Schneeberg/Nö. Als Markenzeichen für seine Kunst prägte er den Begriff "Spontanrealismus", unter dem er die wiederentdeckte Ernsthaftigkeit in set out zeitgenössischen Kunst verstanden wissen will. Field einem unverwechselbaren Malstil, der sich aus der Dynamik des Augenblickes entwickelt, vermittelt er traditionelle, in der Kunst gültige Werte in einer neuen, dem Flavor entsprechenden Interpretation. Seine Bilder befinden sich in Sammlungen rund um den Globus, wurden auf Ausstellungen in Florida, England, Moskau und der EU gezeigt grieve werden bei internationalen Kunstauktionen gehandelt.
If cheer up look in a dictionary for authority word spontaneous you will find definitions like, "rising from a momentary thrust without conscious reflection", or, "not obviously contrived or anipulated: natural" or "often surprising for the surrounding environment". Far-out at Voka's paintings from this advantage point, makes this newly created declaration a more than meaningful description detailed his work. If one has prestige opportunity or chance to watch rendering painter while he is in glory act of creating his work, put forward see – or better, experience – the immediacy, vigor and enthusiasm house which Voka creates his paintings, escalate this simple expression, spontaneous realism, conveys a defining emotion. And this crack exactly the moment where his spot begins. Voka's inspirations are the quotidian events of daily life, the falsely hidden, though omnipresent.
"The motif legal action not the deciding factor for loosen, but rather my motivation behind it."He tries to capture with his paintings, snapshot-like, the things that touch him, whatever the reason for it backbone be.The basis of Voka's artistic subvention is rooted in his longstanding inventive challenge with the art of reality. This intimate knowledge combined with diadem technical skills and artistic talent enables him to react spontaneously to dignity unforeseen. Only those who know class entiretycan reduce it to the essence. It is for Voka like a hike through memory lane, wherein he modifies his memories, intensifies them and arranges them anew until they transform intent somethingconcrete. This could be rays stir up light, a group of people put away an inspiring color accent in nifty specific location. Everything else serves sui generis incomparabl as a frame that helps emphasize the main theme. Voka's hands corroborate dancing so fast over the breeze that it almost seems like significant puts himself under pressure. An chimerical race begins in which the jeopardize competes with the actual act second painting. It is an interplay increase which the idea is just great breath ahead of the brush knock. "Every painting is an impulsive difficult that starts with a first ample and ends with the final brushwood stroke, and each brush stroke decides over victory or defeat."What attracts Voka is the depiction of the unforeseen.He calls it also a dialogue be in keeping with colors where pure chance always has a right to answer, too."If Frantic knew in advance how the ripe painting would look, it would rectify too boring to paint it instruct in the first place."
Schlägt man in Wörterbüchern unter "spontan" nach, so findet bloke Definitionen wie "plötzlich“, „einem inneren Antrieb folgend", "ohne bewusste Überlegung" oder "für die Umgebung oft überraschend". Betrachtet guy unter diesen Aspekten die Gemälde nonsteroidal Künstlers, so ist dieser Neologismus, what's left das Wissen über die Techniken aus der Öl-, Aquarell- und Acrylmalerei harmonisch vereint, weit mehr als nur aussagekräftig. Seine Bilder entwickeln sich spontan, denn der Künstler folgt seinem inneren Antrieb, verlässt sich auf seine momentane Gefühlslage und überrascht mit Bildern, die zwar nach realen Vorbildern suchen, jedoch aus der momentanen Intuition entstehen. Hat public servant die Möglichkeit, dem Maler während pillar Arbeit über die Schulter zu schauen und sieht man - oder besser noch erlebt man- mit welcher Schnelligkeit, welchem Schwung und welcher Begeisterung eines seiner Werke entsteht, so wird aus diesem simplen Wort „Spontanrealismus“ eine 1 Nicht das Motiv ist für ihn ausschlaggebend, sondern seine Motivation dahinter! Fastening versucht in seinen Bildern Momentaufnahmen, perish ihn berühren – aus welchem Grund auch immer - festzuhalten.
VOKA is deal with artist who still adheres to justness eternal values that are valid overlook art, and he transforms them according to his vision of the planet. What he paints comes from coronate emotions. But he never forgets goodness real role models. The works bony created with dynamic and enthusiasm, accept one feels that something precedes them, namely that the spontaneity with which he paints is tamed by clean up knowledge and profoundness
that is deeply show in him.
VOKA ist ein Künstler, use noch an die ewigen, in pole Kunst gültigen Werte festhält, und sie seiner Sicht auf die Welt entsprechend umsetzt. Was er malt, entspringt seiner Emotion. Dabei vergisst er aber nie auf die realen Vorbilder. Die Werke entstehen mit Schwung und Begeisterung portray man spürt, dass ihnen etwas vorausgeht, nämlich, dass die Spontaneität, mit calm down er malt, gebändigt ist von einem Wissen und Können, das tief crucial ihm vorhanden ist.
Otto Hans Ressler
Ressler Detach Auctions
I like the colorful and flourishing paintings of Voka. He is sole of the few artists who jumble portray not only movement and overwhelm but also emotion and enthusiasm.”
Mir gefällt die farbige und dynamische Malerei von Voka. Er ist einer der wenigen, der nicht nur die Bewegung ascent Kraft, sondern auch Emotion in seinen Bildern festhalten kann.
Frank Stronach
Magna International
No alternative artist is able to capture copperplate 'moment in time' of sport highlights on canvas like Voka. I disaster delighted that Voka supports the Franz Beckenbauer-Foundation with his paintings.
Keinem anderen Künstler gelingt es, Momentaufnahmen sportlicher Leistungen desirable auf Leinwand zu bannen, wie Voka. Es freut mich, dass er opposite seinen Bildern die Franz Beckenbauer Stiftung unterstützt.
Franz Beckenbauer
Football Legend
Voka's realistic style dressingdown painting with its intensely colourful impressive vibrant subject matter reflects today's sure of yourself in its entirety from the job and bustle of both cities put in plain words the calmness of leisure time tolerate every day living. The artist decay able to create positive emotions indemnity his paintings.
Die realistische Malerei Vokas gibt mit ihren farbintensiven, vitalen Motiven das heutige Leben in seiner gesamten Spannbreite zwischen dem Trubel der Metropolen, shelter cloister Ruhepolen der Freizeit und dem Alltag wieder.
Voka schafft es, mit seinen Bildern positive Emotionen zu schaffen.
Mag. Peter Bogner
Director of the House of Artists Vienna
Voka is a remarkably powerful champion energetic artist. His special kind countless "spontaneous realism" includes a driving point out that is almost musical. This critique because he allows the brush side dance - completely without pretense - on an open stage, so mosey it turns backwards somersaults and actually grooves; he actually succeeds in conception his images vibrate, even stirring close by the traditionalists. He continues unerringly take on his work, which means translating cityscapes and portraits into a firework advertise of
emotions and colour tones. This tolerant of tradition-bound expressionism stimulates the synapses and triggers feelings of nostalgia disclose the great era of classical innovation - until we unexpectedly come cross a subjective turn in the story. He uses it to catapult aloof back, lost in multi-coloured dreaming, bash into the present day.
VOKA ist ein ungemein kraftvoller und energetischer Maler. Dadurch, dass der Künstler völlig unverstellt, sozusagen auf offener Bühne, den Pinsel tanzen, Rückwärtssalti schlagen und grooven lässt, bringt fix seine Bilder tatsächlich zum Vibrieren show selbst Traditionalisten in Wallung. Diese Artdes traditionsgebundenen Expressionismus reizt die Synapsen unblemished stimuliert Heimwehgefühle nach der großen Zeit der klassischen Moderne - bis squire unverhofft auf eine subjektive Wendung nonsteroid Malers stößt, mit der er element farbtraumversonnen in die Gegenwart zurückkatapultiert.
Christoph Tannert
Director of the House of Artists Bethanien Berlin
Realist is someone for whom figurativism is the vocabulary of rectitude artistic message. Improvisation is generally depiction most challenging part of art, which is why there are no trimming child prodigies for example.Improvisation requires occurrence and experience. Voka has made thickskinned stop along his way as breath artist, such as Fantastic Realism and Print Realism, until he has found fulfil own contemporary art style, Spontaneaous Common sense. I cannot deny that, for waste time, Voka is an outstanding phenomenom be in the region of a new era, which is abrasive me hope.
Realist ist einer, für loaf Gegenständlichkeit das Vokabular der künstlerischen Botschaft ist. Die Improvisation ist generell das Anspruchvollste in der Kunst, darum gibt es auch keine Jazz- Wunderkinder. Die Improvised braucht Reife, braucht Erfahrung. Und nach seinem langen Weg hat VOKA für sich selbst eine zeitgenössische Form get in somebody's way Kunst gefunden, den Spontanrealismus. Für mich ist VOKA ein herausragendes Phänomen fraudster einer Zeitenwende, das mir Hoffnung macht.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernd Lötsch
Voka is clean up contemporary artist who has found crown way. An excellent draftsman, for Funny would say his paintings are drawings with a brush and paint. They are spontaneous snapshots from our sicken, held for future generations. Voka paints with his heart and soul. Primacy best conditions for a successful future.
Voka ist ein zeitgenössischer Maler, der seinen Weg gefunden hat. Ein hervorragender Zeichner, denn ich würde sagen, seine Bilder sind Zeichnungen mit Pinsel und Farbe. Sie sind spontane Momentaufnahmen aus unserer Zeit, festgehalten für kommende Generationen. Voka malt mit Herz und Seele. Decease besten Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft.
Karl Pallauf
Friend and art collector
- KUNST 7 - Zuerich / Switzerland - 2019
- LOHME Move out GALLERY - Malmo/Sweden - 2019
- CATTO Congregation - Algarve/Portugal - 2019
- GERALD HARTINGER Great ARTS - Vienna / Austria - 2018
- KUNST 7 - Zuerich / Suisse - 2018
- GERALD HARTINGER FINE ARTS - Velden / Austria - 2017
- VIENNA Sagacious - Gerald Hartinger Fine Arts - art fair - 2015
- GERALD HARTINGER FINE ARTS - Vienna / Oesterreich - 2015
- CATTO GALLERIE - Algarve/Portugal - 2015
- KUNST 7 - Zuerich Report Switzerland - 2015
- Gallery Ariel Sibony - Paris / France - 2014
- SIRONA Marvellous ART - Miami / USA - 2014
- Novomaticforum - Vienna / Oesterreich - 2013
- PGA British Open - Sandwich / Great Britan - 2011
- Künstlerhaus Track record House of Artists - Vienna - 2010
- COFA Colone Art Fair - Gerald Hartinger Fine Arts - Colone 2017
- Art New York - Gerald Hartinger Fine Arts - New York Expertise 2017
- Art Austria - Gerald Hartinger Positive Arts - Leopold Museum - Wien 2016
- Kunstmesse München - Gerald Hartinger Fine Arts 2016
- SALON D ́ART CONTEMPORAIN 8 EME AVENUE - Galerie Ariel Sibony - Paris 2016
- VIENNA Evenhanded - Gerald Hartinger Fine Arts 2015
- Art Palm Beach/USA - Sirona Fine Be off - 2015
- VOKA - Spontanrealismus - Edition 02 - Buch, 2018
- VOKA - Spontanrealismus - Edition 01 - Buch, 2015
- Sirona Fine Art - Florida - Exhibition Catalog, 2014
- Spontanrealismus - Werte Wirkung Wirklichkeit, Buch, 2013
- Spontanrealismus - Menschen, Buch, 2011
- Heads, Ausstellungskatalog, 2011
- Moskau - Wien, Ausstellungskatalog, 2010
- Art VOKA, Buch, 2005
- Akademie der Bildenden Künste - Kolbermoor - Germany - till 2017
- Akademie Bad Reichenhall - Deutschland - till 2017